Defra released a blog this week about woodland creation – you can read it here.  Lochlan Dulson of Cumbria Woodlands has provided us with the information below and we have also included contact details for advice in Yorkshire.

Planting trees can help farmers access public and private funding as well as income from wood products.  The larger grant schemes available include:

  • Countryside Stewardship (for wood pasture and hedges)
  • England’s Woodland Creation Offer (min 1ha for woodland creation and shelterbelts)
  • Farming in Protected Landscapes (in National Parks and AONBs)
  • Cumbria’s Community Forest (currently available within 10miles of Cumbria’s coast)
  • The Grow Back Greener Programme led by the Woodland Trust (Yorkshire Dales).

Lochlan says that the grant usually covers at least 100% of the capital cost of establishment and farmers can make money out of the grant if they do their own capital works. Cumbria Woodlands is offering free farm visits through its Woodland Advisory Service and you can request help here.  More information is at: www.cumbriawoodlands.co.uk.

In Yorkshire, contact Mike Appleton at the Yorkshire Dales Millenium Trust - Email Mike Appleton or call 015242 51002.  Or Laura Mealin at the YDNP on: 01969 652305