A : If you call the office we can complete your membership over the phone immediately. Our friendly team can be contacted on 01768 868615.

A: The Farmer Network offers regular grant updates and these can be viewed on the website by clicking the following link.


A: We organise a variety of training course dependant on farmer demand. A list of current courses is available on the website by clicking the following link.



A: You can have one voucher per membership, per year which runs from 1st October to 30th September. Vouchers are allocated to those members who have had less than 2 vouchers in the previous 5 year rolling period.

A: Members in the CA postcode area can order fuel every week day Monday to Friday.

LA postcodes can order fuel every Tuesday and Thursday morning

Members in the Yorkshire Dales can order fuel every Monday morning.

A: Members can order fuel by ringing the office on 01768 868615. You can also text our mobile on 07714 187034 or you can email admin@thefarmernetwork.co.uk.

If you’re not a member you can still price our fuel however you cannot order through The Farmer Network.

A: The office is open 5 days per week between 9am – 5pm. Or you can call the office mobile on 07714 187034 and leave a message which we will respond to as soon as possible.