It’s been another busy week! Our Farm for the Future Torpenhow group had a workshop on renewables on Monday night.  On Tuesday, we organised a hill farm training day for Natural England at Bleak Bank near Ingleton.  It was off to Northumberland on Wednesday with meetings about developing a new Network with Tyne Rivers Trust and the Northumberland National Park, followed by an opportunity for Adam and Holly to meet farmers at the North of England Blackface sheep breeders stock judging at Hexham Mart. A large crowd of farmers heard a talk from Adam and it was an opportunity to get contact details for future meetings.  Also on Wednesday evening, Donna gave a talk to the Pennine YFC about the Farmer Network.  Yesterday, Carol hosted a Woodland Creation workshop on her farm and we had another Lake District next generation meeting at Lowick.  The National Trust gave details of 4 farms that are coming up to let and advice on tenancy applications.  Also last night, Sarah Fleetwood attended a one stop shop event at the Gamekeepers at Threshfield to talk to farmers about the Farmer Network and today we are attending the Stock Judging event at Hopes Auction, Wigton.  We’re looking forward to a quieter time over lambing….

Adam and Holly at Hexham Mart