The Sustainable Farming Incentive 2022 opened on 30th June. This includes payments for managing soils on arable land and improved grassland, and for assessing moorland.

  • Arable and horticultural soils standard – Introductory level £22/ha, Intermediate £40/ha
  • Improved grassland soils standard – Introductory level £28/ha, Intermediate £58/ha
  • Moorland standard – £10.30/ha plus a payment of £265 per agreement.  There is also an additional supplement of £6.15/ha for common land.

This is the initial rollout of the scheme. It will be expanded over the next three years and the full set of standards will be in place by 2025.  There is no fixed application deadline so you can apply at any time.  Agreements last for 3 years.

Applications are on-line using your Rural Payments Agency account and Defra has created a guidance video that shows farmers how to apply.  All BPS-eligible farmers can apply for the scheme but, during the first few weeks, those in Stewardship or on common land should contact the Rural Payments Agency who will help you apply. For more info, go to: Apply for the Sustainable Farming Incentive.