Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Farming in Cumbria – Farmer Workshop

As you’ll know, the UK Climate Change Act 2008 set an ambitious target for the UK to reduce its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 80% by 2050. Government recently published a Clean Growth Strategy which proposes approaches to meet reductions by both 2032 and by 2050. Agricultural emissions account for 10% of UK greenhouse gas emissions and currently progress towards targets is slow. Therefore Defra have commissioned a short project to consider the feasibility of GHG mitigation measures on farm.

Scotland’s Rural College, the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and the National Institute for Agricultural Botany Trust are working together on this project and would like to invite you to help shape their response.

The team has drawn up a list of the most promising measures to reduce GHG emissions on-farm, in the workshop Lisa Norton will lead discussions on:

  • What are you already doing on-farm that is reducing your GHG emissions?
  • How easy would the recommended measures be to implement?
  •    What is stopping you making changes?
  • What would increase adoption of GHG reducing measures on-farm?

Please book a place with The Farmer Network office on 01768 868615 or