FARM FOR THE FUTURE – Need help understanding the changes to farm support?

We had a great turn out of over 70 farmers at the Tufton Arms in Appleby last night.  It’s now over to Yorkshire and our next Welcome Meetings are on:

  • Thursday 9th November 7pm at the Rugby Club, Settle
  • Monday 13th November 7pm at the Town Hall, Masham.

The meetings include a summary of support schemes and what the programme can offer your business.  If you could not attend the Welcome meetings at Appleby and Gosforth but want to participate in the programme, please give us a call.  The Gosforth business skills workshop at the Kellbank Hotel is on Monday 6th November - you can sign up on the night, but please book to help with catering.

You can find out more about the programme here and to book onto any of the meetings, call 01768 868615 or email: