National Parks and AONBs have funding for engagement with farmers to discuss the changes to Stewardship and the new ELM scheme.  Details of workshops are below:

Yorkshire Dales National Park

The YDNPA have organised a series of online meetings in February – see YDNPA Stewardship & ELM meetings Feb 21.  The meetings will feature a presentation on the funding set out in Defra’s agricultural transition plan, including the proposed new ‘Farming in Protected Landscapes’ scheme. There will also be an update on Countryside Stewardship and the Environmental Land Management scheme.  Places are limited to 15 per session – book at: Yorkshire Dales CS and ELM events.

Arnside & Silverdale AONB – Thursday 18th Feb clinic from midday

Our first workshop took place on 11th February and we are now taking bookings for individual appointments for farmers on Thursday 18th February from midday.

Solway Coast AONB – Monday 1st March from 7pm

This meeting will cover the changes to the Stewardship Schemes and what we know so far about the new ELM scheme.  The AONB also want to talk to farmers about what support they need over the transition period.  The Farmer Network is working with the AONB on organising this workshop and is also contacting farmers by telephone with a survey.

To book places at these AONB meetings, please call the Farmer Network office on 01768 868615 or e mail: .