Farmers in the Lake District National Park are invited to a series of meetings providing the latest information about SFI 2024 and Stewardship and the support available from FiPL for farmer groups.  The meetings are on:

All start at 7pm with food.   To book, click on the links for each meeting, call the Farmer Network on 01768 868615 or email: admin@thefarmernetwork.co.uk.  With thanks to funding from the LifeR4Ever Kent project for the Staveley workshop and Lake District FiPL for the other events.  For more information about support for farmer groups in the Lake District, please email:  Veronica@thefarmernetwork.co.uk.

Veronica will also be providing a grant update at the “Love Windermere” workshop on Wednesday 19th June at the Barn in the Fells, Rydal Farm together with Paul Arkle who will be giving a talk about soil management. The meeting starts at 6.30pm and is for farmers in the Windermere catchment.  To book, please email Hannah Towers on hannah@towersrural.co.uk or call 07891634592.