Both the Cumbria and Yorkshire Dales A.G.M’s were held in January. The report given to members included the following: -

  • Membership levels continue to grow steadily. At the end of August 2018 there were over 1,100 farmer members, 42 corporate members and 15 Network sponsors. Membership fees go a long way towards covering the company’s core costs, making the business sustainable for the future.
  • Turnover increased to £371.7K (31.7%) creating a trading surplus of £65.5K which included a legacy payment of over £42K from Cumbria Rural Enterprise Agency. This has been most beneficial to the Farmer Network allowing a number of new projects to be funded and financed.
  • The company has now re- structured and Head Office has now moved to larger offices on Newton Rigg Campus. New networks are proposed (subject to funding) for Northumberland and North Yorks Moors.
  • Company Chairman Randal Raine praised the Network team all of whom work on a part- time basis, for their commitment and dedication. He also thanked former Chairman Will Rawling and Paul Harper who is retiring this year, reminding members that it was they who created the original Farmer Network.
  • Mr Raine said he was looking forward to working with directors and management councils to ensure that the Network is well placed to continue delivering relevant services and support to all members, whatever the challenges of the future.
  • The Yorkshire meeting concluded with a presentation from Nuffield Scholar Aarun Naike who has studied Farmer Health and Welfare Projects world- wide, giving members much food for thought.