The Farmer Network Member Benefits

Why become a Farmer Member?

What we offer:

Grassroots Newsletter
Weekly e-news update
New legislation & reforms
Regular grant & funding updates

Member networking events

To share ideas, gain expert help and advice.

Member training courses

Short Journey Animal Transport Assessments - in person or online

Training Vouchers

£200 cash vouchers

Business Support

To reduce running costs and increase productivity and boost income.

Group Fuel

Over 4.7m litres of fuel ordered for members in the year to 31st August 2023.

Farmer Network Fuel Cards

Save on white diesel against the pump price

Group Utilities

Farmer Network Energy Programme (Electricity) with Citrus Energy

Waste Plastic Collection

Discount on liners for Network members at collection points

Support young people entering the industry

Farming Ambition Programme - Support and funding to start a new farming related enterprise.
Training schemes to help young people find work.

Other Services

Grant information and advice
We're happy to answer questions or chat through any information that you receive from us. We're a good first port of call for our members.
Free legal telephone consultation (30 minutes)

Educating the public

Farm walks, Demonstrations, School visits.

Cost of Membership for Cumbria and The Yorkshire Dales

Membership is £96 + VAT for annual payment by Direct Debit.

Cost of Membership for Northumberland

Membership is £80 + VAT for annual payment by Direct Debit.

Contact Us to Become a Member

To become a Farmer Member and arrange payment by Direct Debit, card, cheque or BACS, please contact the Farmer Network Head office on 01768 868615.

Don’t forget you can also sign up online and pay by Direct Debit